Home Studi Emigrazione – settembre 2000 – n.139

Studi Emigrazione – settembre 2000 – n.139

Nr/Anno: 139/2000
Editore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Autore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Sintesi volume:

The last decade of the XX century has been characterised by the economie and social revolution in the former Socialist countries, by the raise of new states, the ethnic actual and latent conflicts, the dramatic movements of people both internally and within countries in the area.
One significant example is the former Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, whose population was formed by people of different na­tionalities living together since centuries befòre being compelled to flee as a consequence of the recent conflicts. According to the 1996 cen­sus, there were 646.000 war displàced persons in the former Yugosla­via, ofwhich 618.000 in Serbia and 28.000 in Montenegro. Those WAP (war affected persons) represent 6.3% of the total population in Serbia and 4.5 in Montenegro. However, since migration has been accompa­nied by a process of urbanisation, the percentage increases in some major towns: in Belgrade, 1/4 of the population is constituted by war immigrant population; in Vojvodina, the percentage is 42%; on the coast of Montenegro, 1 out of 2 inhabitants is a war refugee – on the coast, the movement is motivated by the consistent tourist flowt which creates better opportunities of economie integration.

Paole chiave: movimenti migratori, popolazione, Balcani, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, migrazioni qualificate, migrazione di ritorno, Spagna, Portogallo, Mediterraneo, Europa Latina

Dossier: Population movements in the Balkan area Edited by Enrico Todisco and Sabina Eleonori
Introduction; pag. 515
Emigration in the period of transition in Albania. The social-economic processes that accompany it, Nevila Sokoli, Sokol Axhemi; pag. 521
Emigration processes and the socio-economie development in Bulgaria, Stoyan Totev, Jordan Kalchev, pag.531
Migrations in the Republic of Macedonia and spatial distribution ofthe population in the 1990s, Katerina Kostadinova – Daskalovska, Katarina Noshpalovska, pag. 557
The Balkan migration stream South-East to North-West, Janez Malacic 595 Forced migrations in the former Yugoslavia, Vladimir Grecic; pag. 595
Some notes on the role and behaviours of qualified migrants from ex-Yugoslavia, Lisa Francovich; pag. 613
Return migration from Europe to Spain and Portugal, Jean Louis Rallu, Francisco Munoz-Perez, M. José Carrilho; pag. 625
Mediterranean migration of Poles in the 1990s: patterns and mechanisms, Krystyna Iglicka; pag. 651
Convegno “Movilidad y migraciones internas en la Europa Latina” (San­tiago de Compostela, 9-11 novembre 2000), Giovanni Pizzorusso, pag. 665
Recensioni – Segnalazioni – Libri ricevuti; pag. 669