Home Studi Emigrazione – dicembre 2003 – n.152

Studi Emigrazione – dicembre 2003 – n.152

Nr/Anno: 152/2003
Editore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Autore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Sintesi volume:

Integration of migrants in Europe: data sources and measurement in old and new receiving countries

The level and type of insertion of foreign immigrants and their descendents in various sectors of the host society have always been a topic of considerable interest not only for researchers in the social sci­ences but also for legislative bodies, central and local governments, trade-union organisations and public opinion. The determination of the rights and duties of newcomers, the effects of the immigrant pres­ence and the optimal size of further foreign immigration have indeed been controversia! issues in the politica! debate in various countries, and in some cases, have been the key topic of lively election campaigns. In the past 30 years, concern for these issues has become even more im­portant. This is motivated by the social and economie changes occur­ring in the host countries (in particular, the rise in unemployment lev­els, the restructuring of the production system and the weight of the in­forma! economy) together with the changes in the causes and charac­teristics of international migration (in particular the prevalence of push factors over pull factors, the globalisation of migration and the greater relevance of unauthorized migration).

Paole chiave: statistiche, dati Europa, fonti dati, statische ufficiali, integrazione, Spagna, Italia, Belgio, Germania, Francia, discriminazione, integrazione, modello francese,


Analysis of integration: changes and continuity,
Anna Maria Birindelli
Challenging the ‘French model of integration’: discrimination and the labour market case in France, Patrick Simon
Assessing migration and integration in an immigration hesitant country: the sources and problems of data in Germany, Claudia Diehl, Sonja Haug
Measuring immigrant integration: the case of Belgium,
Karen Phalet, Mare Swyngedouw
The socioeconomic and cultural integration of immigrants
in the Netherlands, Justus Veenman
Measuring immigrants’ integration in Italy on the basis of official statistics, Nicoletta Cibella, Domenico Gabrielli, Salvatore Strozza, Enrico Tucci
Measuring migrant integration in the nineties: the contribution of field surveys in Italy, Corrado Bonifazi, Maria G. Caruso, Cinzia Conti, Salvatore Strozza
The integration of immigrants in Spain, Vicente Gozalvez Pérez Integration of migrants in Euro pe: the case of Finland,
Ismo Soderling
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