Home III International Catholic Migration Congress – n. 3 (22 sett. 1957) – Freedom and intervention in the field of international migration

III International Catholic Migration Congress – n. 3 (22 sett. 1957) – Freedom and intervention in the field of international migration

Rivista: International Catholic Migration Congress
Nr/Anno: 3/1957
Editore: Giunta Cattolica Italiana per l’Emigrazione
Autore: Catholic Institute for social – ecclesiastical research
Sintesi volume:

Freedom and Intervention in the Field of International Migration
by Francis BLANCHARD
Reasons for Intervention
During the past half century the developement of international migration has been characterised by increasing intervention on the part ot the public authorities. International migratory movements, which
were free and spontaneous at the beginning of this century, bave become restricted, controlled, selective and, in many cases, organised.