International Catholic Migration Congress – n. 4 ( I° Working Group)
Biblioteca Digitale » International Catholic Migration Congress – n. 4 ( I° Working Group)
The purpose of this publication is to give a report on the International Catholic Migration Congress which was held in Breda, the Netherlands, from September 12 to 16, 1954.
99 – 20. Theorie et pratique de l’Organisation Migratorie en Italie
101 – 21 Erwagungen zur Apostolischen Konstitution Exsul Familia
103 – 22. Quelques Remarques sur l?organisation des Activites Catholiques en matiere de Migration par REV. R. VEKEMANS S.J.
111 – 23. Migration Activities of the War Relief Services and National Catholic Welfare Conference by C.R.S. – N.C.W.C.
113 – 24. Purpose and Activities of the International Catholic Migration Commission by I.C.M.C.
116 – 25. Notes Schematiques sur l’Organisation del L’Assistance aux Emigrants en Italie