IV International Catholic Migration Congress – Integration of the Cattolic immigrant – International Congress (20th-25th August) 1960 – Part. 2 Inaugural Session
Biblioteca Digitale » IV International Catholic Migration Congress – Integration of the Cattolic immigrant – International Congress (20th-25th August) 1960 – Part. 2 Inaugural Session
It is indeed a great honor for me to extend a sincere and hearty welcome to this distinguished gathering joined here to take part in the International Migration Congress which opens today.
47 – Opening address of Mr. Clovis E. Couture. President of Catholic Immigrant Services, Montreal
49 – Allocution d’ouverture de M. Clovis E . Couture, Président de Services pour Immigrants Catholiques. Montréal
51 – Opening Remarks of Mr. James J. Norris, President, International Catholic Migration Commission
54 – Allocution de Bienvenue du Rév. P. Arthur Caron . Vice-Recteur de J’Université d’Ottawa
55 – Address by Mr. Marcus Daly. Director. Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration
60 – Message of The Uniteci Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
62 – Address of His Excellency Francis V. Allen, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto
63 – Allocution de Son Eminence le Cardinal Paul-Emile Léger. Archevèque de Montréal
67 – AHocution de Son Excellence le Délégué Apostolique au Canada, Monseigneur Sébastiano Baggio, prononcée durant le banquet du Congrès
71 – Homage of the Congress to His Holiness Pope John XXIII
72 – Sermon du Rév. P. Georges de Rochcau, Chef du Service des Etrangers au Secours Catholique, Paris, pendant la Messe inaugurale du Congrès
75 – Sermon by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward E. Swanstrom, Executive Director, Cathdlic Relief Services – N.C.W.C .. at the opening Mass