IV International Catholic Migration Congress – Integration of the Cattolic immigrant – International Congress (20th-25th August) 1960 – Keynote Addresses
Biblioteca Digitale » IV International Catholic Migration Congress – Integration of the Cattolic immigrant – International Congress (20th-25th August) 1960 – Keynote Addresses
Rivista: International Catholic Migration Congress
Nr/Anno: 3/1960
Editore: Giunta Cattolica Italiana per l’Emigrazione
Autore: Catholic Institute for social – ecclesiastical research
Sintesi volume:
Conférences principales • Keynote Addresses
– Most Rev. Msgr. Giuseppe Ferretto : The Integration of Catholic Immigrants according to the Apostolic Constitution “Exsul Familia” and the teachings of the Sovereign Pontiffs
– S. E. Mgr Giuseppe Ferretto : L’intégration des immigrants catholiques d’après la constitution apostolique “Exsul Familia” et l’enseignement des Souverains Pontifes