Home Studi Emigrazione – dicembre 2001 – n.144

Studi Emigrazione – dicembre 2001 – n.144

Nr/Anno: 144/2001
Editore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Autore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Sintesi volume:

In the modern and contemporary age, international migrations, combined in a complex and dynamic process with internal migrations, have undoubtedly favored, from the short-term or structural point of view, a new geographical equilibrium between population and resour­ces on the macro level, and have been one ofthe most important tools for satisfying the need for survival or expectations of socia! and professional mobility on the micro level. International migrations, though character­ized by different dynamics and characteristics over the past 150 years, so much so that it is impossible to identify a genera! theory, had never affected different areas of the globe so extensively. This aspect has been a specific feature of migrations in our time after the gradua! growth of the areas of origin and partly of migration destination areas and the di­versification of the migration streams. The process of globalization of in­ternational migrations has followed that of economie globalization, highlighting the complex relationships among different areas, popula­tions, economies, societies and cultures, which are increasingly linked with the spread of information and the speed of communications.

Paole chiave: popolazione, migrazione, statistica, demografia, Europa, Economia, Africa, Islam, Spagna, Veneto, Treviso, imprenditoria, immigrati, pluralismo, culturale, democrazia, Spagna, discriminazione, integrazione, Francia, Germania, Cina, New York, conflitti, diritti, Mediterraneo



Population trends and migratory pressure in the European Economie Area and the Euro-Middle East-Africa Region, Antonio Colini, Salvatore Strozza, Gerardo Gallo, pag. 754
The process of consolidation of the Islamic communities of Ca­talonia (Spain), Jordi Garreta Bochaca, pag. 787
Quando gli immigrati diventano imprenditori: la realtà del­l’artigianato in Veneto e a Treviso, Vittorio Filippi, pag. 811
Società politica e pluralismo culturale: i termini del dibattito, Antonio Perotti, pag. 831
Democrazia culturale e democrazia delle culture, Francesco Viola, pag. 845
Politica migratoria espanola en el marco europeo, Colectivo IOE, pag. 855
De l’intégration à la lutte contre les discriminations: un sur­vol de la politique française en la matière, Pedro Vianna, pag. 869
Politica migratoria in Germania e integrazione degli immi­grati, Otto Filtzinger, pag. 877
Devotion to the Madonna and Veneration of Ancestors. Reli­gious Adjustment of ltalian and Chinese Immigrants in New York City, 1890-1970, Xinyang Wang, pag. 895
Conflitti, migrazioni e diritti dell’uomo: il Mezzogiorno laboratorio di un’identità mediterranea, Rossella Caccavo, pag. 901
Globalizzazione e intercultura, Angelo Negrini, pag. 910
Recensioni -Segnalazioni -Rassegna delle riviste, pag. 915
Indice del volume XXXVIII, pag. 959