Studi Emigrazione – giugno 2001 – n.142
Biblioteca Digitale » Studi Emigrazione – giugno 2001 – n.142
The essays in this issue are meant to stimulate new research in applying the global criteria to the study of the history of early migration ofltalians to Germany between the XIX and XX century. Ercole Sori offers a broad analysis of the root causes of Italian emigration to central Europe, not only along the “space axis” in measuring and characterizing the phenomenon, but also along the “time axis” (the “long-term territorial restlessness” of the Italian population, throughout the slow and difficult modernisation process). The Author examines the social stratification and segmentation of the job market, and the role of immigrants in the productive and economie structures of the host countries. Christoph Corneli13en, for his part, introduces us to historiography with the comparative approach, perhaps the most creative and promising form of investigative history, which includes three levels (the subjects, the element and the level of analysis).
Verso un quadro globale della diaspora italiana in Germania, Luciano Trincia
L’emigrazione continentale nell’Italia post-unitaria, Ercole Sori 297 L’emigrazione italiana nell’Impero tedesco: analisi comparativa del
la storiografia tedesca e italiana, Christoph CorneliJen
Les sources de l’immigration italienne en Allemagne entre 1870 et 1970, selon des recherches aux archives de Bavière, de Rhénanie et de la Sarre, Hans- Walter Herrmann
La politica verso gli stranieri nell’Impero tedesco. Messaggi per l’Europa, René Del Fabbro
L’emigrazione femminile italiana in Germania: il perché di una scelta 1870-1914, Casimira Grandi
Viaggiare per piacere, viaggiare per sopravvivere: i viaggiatori dell’Italia liberale e l’emigrazione in Germania, Claudio Visentin
Generoso Pope and Italian-American voters in New York City, Stefano Luconi
O modelo de integraçào dos descendentes de italianos no Vale do rio Itajai-Açu, Santa Catarina, Brasil, Roberta Saccon
Comunità, emigrazione e flussi: note su alcuni recenti studi, Matteo Sanfilippo
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