Home Studi Emigrazione – giugno 2007- n.166

Studi Emigrazione – giugno 2007- n.166

Nr/Anno: 166/2007
Editore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Autore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Sintesi volume:

On June 13, 2003, Canada’s prestigious Museum of Civilization in Ottawa opened its doors to the exhibition, “Presenza -A New Look at ltalian-Canadian Heritage”. It was the first national exhibition ever to be presented on an ethnic minority whose presence in the country’s urban universe has spanned over the entire 20th century.
The exhibition was unique in that-beyond the skills of its curator, Mauro Peressini (see the interview in this issue) – it relied on the participation of ordinary Italian Canadians from coast to coast who willingly lent the wide variety of objects and artefacts on which the exhibition was largely based. Moreover, the conception and design employed by the organisers helped to make a compelling case for the survival of a “material culture” whose interaction with the Canadian environment seems to have transformed it from what some observers may see as a dying residue of an ethnie, into a living organism whose influence on the habits and values of many Canadians remains significant.



Post-migration “Italo-Canada”: new perspectives on its past, present, and future, Sonia Cancian, Bruno Ramirez, pag. 259
A century and more of Toronto Italia in College Street Little Italy, Gabriele Scardellato, pag. 273
Italian artists in Quebec, some methodological considerations, Anna Carlevaris, pag. 295
Intersecting labour and social networks across cities and borders, Sonia Cancian, pag. 313
From “watchdog”· to “salesman”: Italian re-emigration from Belgium to Canada after the Second World War, Marina Maccari-Clayton, pag. 327
Decline, death, and revival of “Little Italies”: the Canadian and U.S. experiences compared, Bruno Ramirez, pag. 337
Language, ethnicity, post-modernity: the Italian Canadian case, Jana Vizmuller-Zocco, pag. 355
ltalian Canadian as displacement poetics: context, history, and literary production, William Anselmi, pag. 369
Gli Italo-Canadesi in esposizione. Intervista a Mauro Peressini, a cura di Sonia Cancian e Bruno Ramirez, pag. 389
Il diritto al ricongiungimento familiare per i cittadini dei paesi terzi. Osservazioni sul recepimento nella normativa italiana della direttiva europea sul ricongiungimento familiare, Patrizia Franco, pag. 395
Congregazioni religiose femminili ed immigrazione italiana a Buenos Aires (1870-1915), Andrea Tramelli, pag. 415
Liens de parenté et liens communautaires dans deux «Petites Itali es». Une comparaison entre Paris et New York (1880-1930), Judith Rainhorn, pag. 429
Travel agencies as a linking element for human smuggling and trafficking from Eastern Europe, Johan Leman, Stef Janssens, pag. 443
Gli italiani in Romania. Etnografia di un villaggio della Dobrugia, Andreea Raluca Torre, pag. 461
Recensioni, pag. 477
Segnalazioni, pag. 503
Libri ricevuti, pag. 507