Home Studi Emigrazione – marzo 1995 – n.117

Studi Emigrazione – marzo 1995 – n.117

Nr/Anno: 117/1995
Editore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Autore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Sintesi volume:

Historically, voluntary or involuntary movements of persons witb spe­cialized qualifications andlor skills bave been a very important means of transferring botb knowledge and tecbnical know-bow /rom one piace to anotber. From times immemorial, scbolars, astronomers, linguists, as well as crajtsmen witb engineering, military and printing skills bave been known to move witbin or between empires. The contemporary “brain drain” reflects earlier flows, but witbin drastically new and ever cbanging inter-state and inter-region economie and politica! settings. Ratber tban reciproca!, as in former ages, tbe movements bave now turned asymmetrical and overwbelm­ingly /rom less to more developed countries. Latest studies bave come to regard brain drain as a form of “reverse tecbnology transfer”, perbaps underlying tbe need to reduce antagonistic discussions.

Paole chiave: skilled migrations, studenti, stranieri, migrazioni qualificate, inserimento lavorativo, Mediterraneo, Russia, forze lavoro, brain drain, Slovenia


Skilled migrations
International Seminar, Latina – October 28-29, 1993
Edited by TONY PAGANONI and ENRICO Todisco

Note from the Editors, Tony Paganoni, Enrico Todisco, pag. 3
Foreword, fohn Salt, pag. 6
I. National and regional case studies
The intemntional migration of expertise: the case of the United Kingdom, fohn Salt, Ann Singleton, pag. 12
Skilled migration to Canada and Quebec. Methodological problems and empirica! results, Mark Termote, pag. 31
Skilled migrations from Italy, Armando Montanari, pag. 42
Skilled migration in Spain, Vicente Rodriguez, pag. 54
Migration of educated Finns to Western European countries, Olli Kultalahti, pag. 66
Forgetting skills at borderline: foreign job-seekers on the Viennese labour market, Heinz Fassmann, fosef Kohlbacher, Ursula Reeger, pag. 78
II. East-West skilled migrations
East-West and North-South brain drain: a comparison of the flows in Western Europe, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, pag. 90
La mobilité des élites: una chance historique pour la Russie?, Anne de Tinguy , pag. 98
Brain drain from Slovenia in the light of regional transitions, Janez Malacic, pag. 106
Migration of scientists and professionals from the Republic of Serbia, Vladimir Grecic, pag. 117
Migration potential within Russia’s military-industrial complex, Valentin Tichonov, pag. 128
Determinants of migration potentials among Russian physicists, Elena Dolgikh, pag. 144
III. Students, professionals, training inforeign systems
Education, identity and migrati on: the case of young highly­educated Irish emigrants, Russel King, fan Shuttleworth, pag. 159
Les migratios étudiantes des pays du sud de la Méditerranée vers les universités européennes: premiers aperçus, Victor Borgogno, Lise Vollenweider-Andresen, pag. 177
Attitude to emigration among university students in the former USSR, Liudmila Ledeniova, pag. 189
Les scientifiques marocains à l’étranger, Fadlallah M. Fellat, pag 200
The role of migration in raising the skill level of the labour force, Rosseto 1’akiolas, pag. 211