Studi Emigrazione – marzo 2002 – n.145
Biblioteca Digitale » Studi Emigrazione – marzo 2002 – n.145
Migration into Southern Europe: new trends and new patterns
This special issue of Studi Emigrazione presents a collection of nine papers on a variety of new immigration phenomena in Southern Europe. Some of the papers refer to individua! countries, even cities; others are comparative. Many of the papers are by young scholars and derive from their recent or ongoing doctoral field research in the region. And several articles are by authors who are, or have been, connected to the Sussex Centre for Migration Research and the Sussex European Institute, both part of the University of Sussex, UK. The methodological approaches range from overviews and interpretations of statistics and policy to ethnographic enquiry at the local level.
Whilst not covering all aspects of the diverse migra tory phenomenon in the region, the papers do collectively attempt to represent some of that diversity, both thematically and with respect to geographical coverage. After two overview papers (King and Ribas-Mateos; BaldwinEdwards) which examine statistics, types and contexts of migration, and policy responses, the sequence of papers moves from Lisbon through Spain (Granada, Barcelona) to Italy and then Greece. Appropriately, given the strongly gendered nature of immigration into Southern Europe, two papers (Dietz and El-Shohoumi; Zontini) explicitly focus on the migration, family, work and intercultural experiences of women.
Introduction, Russell King; pag. 3
Towards a diversity of migra tory types and contexts in Southern Europe, Russell King, Natalia Ribas-Mateos, pag. 5
Semi-reluctant hosts: Southern Europe’s ambivalent response to immigration, Martin Baldwin-Edwards, pag. 27
Immigration and spatial change: the Lisbon experience, Maria Lucinda Fonseca, pag. 49
“Door to door with our Muslim sisters”: intercultural and inter-religious conflicts in Granada, Spain, Gunther Dietz, Nadia El-Shohoumi; pag. 77
Towards a comparative study of female migrants in Southern Europe: Fili pino and Moroccan women in Bologna and Barcelona, Elisabetta Zontini, pag.107
Atzinganoi, mint tea and hip hop: (multi)cultural education in Bologna, Mariagiulia Grassilli, pag. 137
Of myths and mirrors: interpretations of Albanian migration to Italy, Russell King, Nicola Mai,pag. 161
Greek-American return migration: constructions of identity and reconstructions of place, Anastasia Christou, pag. 201
“Repatriates” or “refugees” and other vexed questions: the resettlement of Pontiah Greeks from the former Soviet Union in Greece and the politics of policy discourse, Fani Keramida , pag. 231
Recensioni – Libri ricevuti, pag. 260