Home Studi Emigrazione – settembre -1994 – n.115

Studi Emigrazione – settembre -1994 – n.115

Nr/Anno: 115/1994
Editore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Autore: Centro Studi Emigrazione
Sintesi volume:

The vast body of literature which has been produced by geographers, sociologists, anthropologists, historians and others on migratory processes is a reflection of the long history and multi-faceted nature of migration. The research materiai ranges from census data, passport records and passenger lists to the persona! testaments, sometimes very moving, of those who have left their native land. From the point of view of international emigration, probably no other country in the world has seen such a vast corpus of published literature as ltaly. Certainly no other European country has sustained such a massive emigrati on of its population lasting over a century, terminating finally in the 1970s. The crude parameters of this movement are almost too vast to take in: according to officiai figures there have been 27 million emigrants since the Unificati on of Italy and at least 9.5 million returnees since 1905 when records of return migration began (Rosoli, 1978).

Paole chiave: Catene migratorie, reti sociali, Casalattico, Dublin, associazionismo, identità, etnia, Israele, donne migranti, reti informali, Germania, tedeschi, Russia, Opera dei Congressi,


Catene migratorie e reti sociali
Casalattico, Dublin and the fish and chip connection: a classic example of chain migration, Russell King, Brian Reynolds, pag. 398
Asociacionismo, liderazgo etnico e identidad: un enfoque comparado (Lujan, 1876-1920), Dedier Norberto Marquiegui, pag. 427
Asociaciones israelitas en el partido de Villari­no, Fabiana Sabina Tolcachier, pag. 461
Donne migranti e reti informali, Rosangela Lodigiani, pag. 494
Tedeschi in Russia
Plus de deux siècles de continuité ethnique: !es Allemands des Russie. Évolution historique et perspectives d’avenir, Ekkehard W. Borntrager, pag. 507
L’Opera dei Congressi e i suoi contatti con gli italiani all’estero, Silvio Tramontin, pag. 545
Note di lettura
Gli italiani in California, Andrew M. Canepa, pag. 551
Recensioni, pag. 555
Segnalazioni, pag. 589
Libri ricevuti, pag. 600